Friday, 17 December 2010

In a generous mood!

Hello all! I've had this Lipsy i phone cover floating around my room and I want to give it way. Either that or it's going to the charity shop. You see I don't have an i Phone.....instead I have a "Crackberry"! So, if you would like this cover, just tell me your favourite Christmas memory. You don't need to add my blog or mention me to anyone else, just a good old fashioned happy Christmas memory!

So if this sparkly little number tickles your fancy, send your stories over!


  1. love this case, and i have an iphone4 :)
    oooh how perfecto!
    and my favourite christmas memory... probably when i opened my first barbie doll and chopped her long her to give her a new 'edgy' look ahaha
    (aged 6 or 7)

    thankyou for the comment on my blog :)


  2. super cute! i ha a crackberry also! So no point in me having it! But I love your blog! Definately following! Its super cute! I would love it if you would follow mine as well!

    Love from,
